Source code for odin.codecs.json_codec

import datetime
import json
import typing
import uuid

from odin import ResourceAdapter, bases, resources, serializers
from odin.exceptions import CodecDecodeError, CodecEncodeError
from odin.utils import getmeta

LIST_TYPES = (bases.ResourceIterable, typing.ValuesView, typing.KeysView)
JSON_TYPES = { serializers.date_iso_format,
    datetime.time: serializers.time_iso_format,
    datetime.datetime: serializers.datetime_iso_format,
    uuid.UUID: str,
CONTENT_TYPE = "application/json"

class OdinEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    Encoder for Odin resources.

    def __init__(
        self, include_virtual_fields=True, include_type_field=True, *args, **kwargs
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.include_virtual_fields = include_virtual_fields
        self.include_type_field = include_type_field

    def default(self, o):
        if isinstance(o, (resources.ResourceBase, ResourceAdapter)):
            meta = getmeta(o)
            obj = o.to_dict(self.include_virtual_fields)
            if self.include_type_field:
                obj[meta.type_field] = meta.resource_name
            return obj

        elif isinstance(o, LIST_TYPES):
            return list(o)

        elif o.__class__ in JSON_TYPES:
            return JSON_TYPES[o.__class__](o)

        return super().default(o)

[docs] def load(fp, resource=None, full_clean=True, default_to_not_supplied=False): """ Load a from a JSON encoded file. See :py:meth:`loads` for more details of the loading operation. :param fp: a file pointer to read JSON data from. :param resource: A resource type, resource name or list of resources and names to use as the base for creating a resource. If a list is supplied the first item will be used if a resource type is not supplied. :param full_clean: Do a full clean of the object as part of the loading process. :param default_to_not_supplied: Used for loading partial resources. Any fields not supplied are replaced with NOT_SUPPLIED. :returns: A resource object or object graph of resources loaded from file. """ return loads(, resource, full_clean, default_to_not_supplied)
[docs] def loads(s, resource=None, full_clean=True, default_to_not_supplied=False): """ Load from a JSON encoded string. If a ``resource`` value is supplied it is used as the base resource for the supplied JSON. I one is not supplied a resource type field ``$`` is used to obtain the type represented by the dictionary. A ``ValidationError`` will be raised if either of these values are supplied and not compatible. It is valid for a type to be supplied in the file to be a child object from within the inheritance tree. :param s: String to load and parse. :param resource: A resource type, resource name or list of resources and names to use as the base for creating a resource. If a list is supplied the first item will be used if a resource type is not supplied. :param full_clean: Do a full clean of the object as part of the loading process. :param default_to_not_supplied: Used for loading partial resources. Any fields not supplied are replaced with NOT_SUPPLIED. :returns: A resource object or object graph of resources parsed from supplied string. """ try: return resources.build_object_graph( json.loads(s), resource, full_clean, False, default_to_not_supplied ) except (ValueError, TypeError) as ex: raise CodecDecodeError(str(ex)) from ex
[docs] def dump(resource, fp, cls=OdinEncoder, **kwargs): """ Dump to a JSON encoded file. :param resource: The root resource to dump to a JSON encoded file. :param cls: Encoder to use serializing to a string; default is the :py:class:`OdinEncoder`. :param fp: The file pointer that represents the output file. """ try: json.dump(resource, fp, cls=cls, **kwargs) except ValueError as ex: raise CodecEncodeError(str(ex)) from ex
[docs] def dumps(resource, cls=OdinEncoder, **kwargs): """ Dump to a JSON encoded string. :param resource: The root resource to dump to a JSON encoded file. :param cls: Encoder to use serializing to a string; default is the :py:class:`OdinEncoder`. :returns: JSON encoded string. """ try: return json.dumps(resource, cls=cls, **kwargs) except ValueError as ex: raise CodecEncodeError(str(ex)) from ex