
Traversal package provides tools for iterating and navigating a resource tree.

Traversal of a datastructure.


A method of defining a location within a data structure, which can then be applied to the datastructure to extract the value.

A TraversalPath can be expressed as a string using . as a separator:


Both lists and dicts can be included using [] and {} syntax:





Iterator for traversing (walking) a resource structure, including traversing composite fields to fully navigate a resource tree.

This class has hooks that can be used by subclasses to customise the behaviour of the class:

  • on_enter - Called after entering a new resource.

  • on_exit - Called after exiting a resource.

class odin.traversal.ResourceTraversalIterator(resource: ResourceBase | Sequence[ResourceBase])[source]

Iterator for traversing (walking) a resource structure, including traversing composite fields to fully navigate a resource tree.

This class has hooks that can be used by subclasses to customise the behaviour of the class:

  • on_enter - Called after entering a new resource.

  • on_exit - Called after exiting a resource.

property current_resource: ResourceBase | None

The current resource being traversed.

property depth: int

Depth of the current resource in the tree structure.

property path: TraversalPath

Path to the current resource node in the tree structure.

This path can be used to later traverse the tree structure to find get to the specified resource.