
Collection of utilities for working with Odin as well as generic data manipulation.



Get metaobject from a resource or resource instance.

Parameters:resource_or_instance (Type[odin.resources.ResourceBase] | odin.resources.ResourceBase) – Resource or instance of a resource.
Returns:Meta options class
Return type:odin.resources.ResourceOptions
odin.utils.field_iter(resource, include_virtual: bool = True) → Iterator[source]

Return an iterator that yields fields from a resource.

  • resource – Resource to iterate over.
  • include_virtual – Include virtual fields.

an iterator that returns fields.

odin.utils.field_iter_items(resource, fields: Optional[Sequence, None] = None) → Iterator[Tuple[str, Any]][source]

Return an iterator that yields fields and their values from a resource.

  • resource – Resource to iterate over.
  • fields – Fields to use; if None defaults to all the resources fields.

an iterator that returns (field, value) tuples.

odin.utils.virtual_field_iter_items(resource) → Iterator[Tuple[str, Any]][source]

Return an iterator that yields virtual fields and their values from a resource.

Parameters:resource – Resource to iterate over.
Returns:an iterator that returns (field, value) tuples.
odin.utils.attribute_field_iter_items(resource) → Iterator[Tuple[str, Any]][source]

Return an iterator that yields fields and their values from a resource that have the attribute flag set.

Parameters:resource – Resource to iterate over.
Returns:an iterator that returns (field, value) tuples.
Note::This iterator is designed for codecs that have a distinction between attribute and element fields (eg XML).
odin.utils.element_field_iter_items(resource) → Iterator[Tuple[str, Any]][source]

Return an iterator that yields fields and their values from a resource that do not have the attribute flag set.

Parameters:resource – Resource to iterate over.
Returns:an iterator that returns (field, value) tuples.
Note::This iterator is designed for codecs that have a distinction between attribute and element fields (eg XML).
odin.utils.extract_fields_from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any], resource) → Dict[str, Any][source]

Extract values from a dict that are defined on a resource.

Fields that are not found will not be included in the output dict.

  • d – the source dictionary.
  • resource – the resource that provides the fields.

a dictionary of the resource fields that where found in the dict.

Name Manipulation

odin.utils.camel_to_lower_separated(s: str, sep: str) → str[source]

Convert camel case representation into lower separated case ie:

backgroundColor -> background_color

Note any separator at the start or end is stripped.

odin.utils.camel_to_lower_underscore(s: str) → str[source]

Convert camel case to lower underscore case.

backgroundColor -> background_color

odin.utils.camel_to_lower_dash(s: str) → str[source]

Convert camel case to lower dash case.

backgroundColor -> background-color

odin.utils.lower_underscore_to_camel(value: str) → str[source]

Convert lower underscore case to camel case

background_color -> backgroundColor
odin.utils.lower_dash_to_camel(value: str) → str[source]

Convert lower dash case to camel case

background-color -> backgroundColor

Choice Generation

odin.utils.value_in_choices(value: Any, choices: List[Tuple[Any, str]]) → bool[source]

Check if the value appears in the choices list (an iterable of tuples, the first value of which is the choice value).

  • value – Value to search for
  • choices – List of choices

True if value is in the choices iterable.

odin.utils.iter_to_choices(i: Iterable[_T]) → Sequence[Tuple[_T, str]][source]

Convert an iterator of strings (or types that can be converted to strings) and convert these into choice value pairs.


odin.utils.chunk(iterable: Iterable[_T], n: int) → Iterable[Iterable[_T]][source]

Return iterable of n items from an iterable.

  • iterable – Iterable of items
  • n – Size of iterable chunks to return.

Iterable chunk of input iterable